The program
what is included
The program starts every 1 st day of the month. Costs USD 500. Minimum attendees -1 person. Maximum attendees per month – 30. If you upgrade to EMF program later this amount will be deducted from your EMF payment.
Within the first 14 days of starting you program you will have full money back guarantee option. Especially if you do not see any value in what this program is offering. It is too hard for you to accept the model of reality presented to you. You can not see any valuable application for you. This is not your model of the world and you do not want to accept any other possibility that other working models exists.
The objective is within 30 days to become confident about
In the 1st week; How reality actually works
In the 2nd week; How to interact with the limitations you currently experience and be involved in the daily relationships from the perspective of Ruling your own reality.
In the 3rd week; How to make small and huge shifts in your reality. By understanding Goal Settings, Working with the intent, focus, alignment of heart, mind, guts and care. Learning patience, lowering the importance of the outcome, observing the outcome appearance on a daily basis
In the 4th week; How to measure the effects appearing through the interaction between your inner and the Outer world. You are the generator of your own reality. You will learn that knowledge is worthless. Implementation of what you already understand is everything
1 hour per day within a month.
- Listens to the daily content up to 20 mins.
- What I am doing in the moment differently? Listing up to 20 mins
- What can you apply from today forwards. Action list – 20 mins.
4 weekly 2 hours Zoom Q&A’s with Alex. Every Monday 5 p.m. U.K. time. You post any question you have during the week. They are answered every Monday
4 weekly 2 hours Zoom Community Calls with Alex. Every Friday 5 p.m. U.K. time. You can share any AHA moment, any hardship or anything else you have experienced during the week. During this 2 hours you are the star.
Prices Ruling Reality Program
1 month Ruling Reality Program Group 20+ persons – USD 500. If you upgrade long term to a higher payment program this amount will be transformed into a bonus voucher for you.
30 videos in 4 weeks, each. Calls made in convenient time zone for the small VIP Group. Usually held 5 p.m. UK .
Watching all the 30 videos, up to 30 mins each. Up to 2 hours per week.
Weekly up to 2 hours community calls, where topics of the weekly videos are discussed
What is learned during the current week?,
What are the insights?
What is implemented?
What has improved?
All that are willing to share are welcomed
You will be able to have long term interaction with like-minded long term community within hour LinkedIn group.
USD 500 paid upfront.
All your money are 100% guaranteed. You can quit anytime. After the 1st week if you decide, that you like the program and the format is working for you, the amount is non-refundable.
All the risk during your participation in the program will be bored from us. Even if you decide in the last day that you actually have made a mistake and that you have changed your mind and that the program has not given you the value all your money will be refunded.
Your real life satisfaction and ability to receive the expected results and value from the program is the most important one for us.
The objective is within 30 days to become confident about
Week 1 How reality actually works
Day 1 What happens when you open your eyes daily. – 5 mins
What happens, when you go to sleep every night – 5 mins
What is my inner world and my outer world – 5 mins
What is consciousness and subconsciousness and how they interact. – 5 mins
Day 2. Activating Reticular System -5 mins
Intent is ruling your attention – 5 mins
Awareness is what you consciously extract from your daily experiences – 5 mins
Be the observer of your reality – 5 mins
Day 3. What is coming in your data stream daily – 5 min
Why is your data stream different than everyone’s else and yet there are so much common things that we all experience simultaneously – 5 min
Who is my realty data stream script writer. Do I only experience life or am I actively creating it – 5 min
What is happening to you today is a result of past decisions – 5 mins
Day 4 What do I actually choose. Freedom of choice – 5 mins
Why I automatically choose things I later regret – 5 mins
Do I choose reactively or strategically – 5 mins
My reality is my choice – 5 mins
Day 5 Led because I follow or lead because I generate – 5 mins
Positioning yourself to be a ruler – 5 mins
Understanding why you can – 5 mins
Understanding your power from within – 5 mins
Day 6 Your inner world – 5 mins
Your thoughts, emotions, visualizations, ideas, – 5 mins
Your potential and possibilities – 5 mins
Mindset and conditioning – 5 mins
Day 7 Change yourself from within
How to want to change? – 5 mins
Why you want to change? – 5 mins
The outer world feedback – 5 mins
Honesty and Objective Observing of the inner being – 5 mins
Week 2 How to interact with the limitations you currently experience and be involved in the daily relationships from the perspective of Ruling your own reality
Day 1 Limitless within, Limited in the outer world – 5 mins
Understanding the world of waves and the world of forms – 5 mins
You already are all you ever dreamed to be – 5 mins
Why all is happening slowly and gradually in the outer world – 5 mins
Day 2 Why Certainty exists and why the iterations create this feeling of knowing what to expect– 5 mins
How to learn to enjoy, what we already experience daily – 5 mins
Enjoy the relationships we already have. They are there daily for a reason – 5 mins
Expect the unexpected. Enjoy the normal. The joy of living – 5 mins
Day 3 Your Identity. Who you are without your experiences and you have – 5mins
What defines you. Who you want to be – 5mins
Examples, Row models and your reality definition of you – 5 mins
Your reality and your identity – 5 mins
Day 4 The mirroring effect of reality – 5 mins
How to accept what you see in the mirror – 5 mins
How to plan changes in your own reality – 5 mins
Why the mirror is always blurred – 5 mins
Day 5 Clarity, Vision, Purpose – 5 mins
Why you need to focus on the what not on the how – 5 mins
In the inner world you observe the processes in the outer world you observe the effects – 5 mins
Where do we focus? On the inner world, disengaging from reality, or the outer world
Day 6 Focus – 5 mins
Where do we focus? On the inner world, disengaging from reality – 5 mins
Where do we focus? On the outer world, supressing what’s inside of us – 5 mins
Focus on the merging of the inner and the outer worlds – 5 mins
Day 7
Generating Flows
To me living – 5 mins
By me living – 5 mins
Through me living – 5 mins
As me living – 5 mins
Week 3 How to make small and huge shifts in your reality. By understanding Goal Settings, Working with the intent, focus, alignment of heart, mind, guts and care. Learning patience, lowering the importance of the outcome, observing the outcome appearance on a daily basis
Day 1 Why do we set goals? – 5 mins
Anchoring in our reality – 5 mins
Ultimate Strategic Positioning. Our outer reality alignment – 5 mins
Identity – Our inner strategic positioning – 5 mins
Day 2 Complaining is the glue that sticks us to the present reality – 5 mins
Daring to change, but not the mirror – 5 mins
The beginning of the reality shifting. Change from within – 5 mins
Outer world changes, because it follows inner world changes – 5mins
Day 3
By Setting Real goals based on our inner intent to be the one worthy of the goal that is to be presented we create disbalance by choosing a specific new possibility – 5 mins
Once we set a goal we engage the heart by setting the feeling of the wish fulfilled and generating the energy for the new change – 5 mins
Than we engage the gut, by making a decision in certainty that it has already happened and the only thing left is for the new goal to be let out and to start happening in the outer world
By the Care principal we navigate the goal through reality, never able to give, since the care of its appearance is greater than ever stopping the process
Day 4 Total Surrender and Lowering the importance of the outcome – 5 mins
It will be this or something better mentality – 5 mins
Focusing on the processes created within the individual by the new goal – 5 mins
Allowing the most beneficial outcome to be revealed for our growth and the once affected – 5mins
Trusting in the Chief How officer for the final execution of the goal – 5 mins
Day 5 Daily gratitude for what is revealed – 5 mins
Being in a state where we appreciate daily, what is and never willing to change it – 5 mins
Always observing the reality shifts in the outer world and always looking within for fine tunings and adaptations, never react to what’s revealed – 5 mins
The outer world is prefect as it is in any given moment – 5 mins
Day 6 Coping with the pressure and fear of the disbalance that we created
Most people give up the moment they evaluate the outer world possibility – 5 mins
Always look from the perspective of who you are, when the goal is revealed – 5 mins
The resources you have then are not the same you have now – 5mins
Fear is great to give you the courage. Pressure is great to push you into effortless living – 5 mins
Day 7
Become a success by generating processes that always guarantees it – 5 mins
Every success starts with 99,99% failure and before finalization is always 99,99% Success – 5 mins
Only the champions know how to never give up and to always finish it strong – 5
Your achievements of all your goals means nothing. Who you are becoming is everything – 5 mins
Week 4 How to measure the effects appearing through the interaction between your inner and the Outer world. You are the generator of your own reality. You will learn that knowledge is worthless. Implementation of what you already understand is everything
Day 1 Why procrastination exists. – 5 mins
Why people give up so early- 5 mins
Either they try to make big shifts fast or they don’t count the small shifts worthy of the efforts – 5 mins
Measuring reality. Why it always take time for the quality change to be revealed – 5 mins
Day 2 The personal development paradox of knowing and not doing – 5 mins
Giving up too early and it’s too late to start – 5 mins
Ruling your reality works only if you do all the processes simultaneously without an ease, never by secret one way formula – 5 mins
In not fearing Complexity is where the simplicity of implementation is hiding – 5 mins
Day 3 Learning the border zones principal between the inner and the outer world – 5 mins
How the outer world is penetrating your inner world and the opposite – 5 mins
In the border zones is where the vibration is highest, where the possibilities are limitless – 5 mins
Live a challenging life as close as possible to the border zones – 5 mins
Day 4 The Architects behind the reality – 5 mins
What is my particular role in my own reality – 5 mins
How am I actually changing my own script – 5 mins
How by raising my level of consciousness I interact with the world on different level – 5 mins
Day 5 Trusting the way all is creator – 5 mins
Trusting your own creators – 5 mins
Why you are so unique and important – 5 mins
Why all the universe and everything is engaged with your success – 5 mins
Day 6 Your Authentic Self 5 mins
Know who you are without…. 5 mins
Being authentic from within – 5 mins
Your authenticity and your outer world lagging experience – 5 mins
Day 7 Your legacy – 5 mins
When do you actually leave your legacy – 5 mins
The world before and after you – 5mins
Appreciate your daily reality. It’s your Legacy even if tomorrow never comes – 5 mins